How do we learn at ÁNIMA?


We train in the business processes that exist within a company and provide tools to carry out tasks related to the administrative-accounting area, human management and marketing.


We train in programming and software applications, infrastructure support and network administration.

Software application developer

Programar la solución de Software Web/mobile de acuerdo a las normas y herramientas definidas por la empresa.

Programming the Web/mobile Software solution according to the standards and tools defined by the company.

Create, design, operate, and maintain databases according to database design principles.

Implement a user interface based on customer requirements and expected features.

Application Tester

Execute software tests according to the procedures established in the test plan.

Describe the results of the analysis and tests carried out in a clear way, such that the client and/or a third party understands it and can replicate it.

Diagnose causes and create new test scenarios from identified findings.

Schedule the execution of software tests according to the procedures established in the test plan and identified findings.

Network and infrastructure support

Manage and maintain operating systems.

Configure and maintain and support networks according to the procedures established by the company.

Configure the equipment in tune with the networks, domains and customer requirements Provide diagnostic response, repair and replacement of parts to recover the functionality of a PC

Technological innovation

Assemble components for 3D printers, robotics, drones, home automation.

Develop applications related to digital manufacturing, robotics and home automation.

Social skills

In ÁNIMA, students will be able to acquire self-knowledge tools and develop social skills, such as interpersonal communication, responsibility and autonomy, learn to work as a team with commitment and the ability to adapt to changes.

Responsabilidad sobre las tareas
Entrega tareas en tiempo, considerando los requerimientos que se solicitaron.
Avisa oportunamente si se le presenta algún obstáculo o imprevisto cuando afecta el plazo de entrega definido.
Resuelve las dificultades que se le presentan.
Demuestra interés y motivación por la asignatura/por aprender cosas nuevas (curiosidad).
Participa en clase, realizando intervenciones ordenadas y oportunas.
Solicita y/o recibe devoluciones sobre su desempeño, aceptándolas e incorporándolas.
Expone oralmente sus ideas de forma clara y ordenada.
Expone en forma escrita sus ideas de forma clara y ordenada.
Utiliza un lenguaje acorde al espacio/interlocutor.
Escucha atentamente a las demás personas.
Interviene, da su opinión, argumenta, utilizando un lenguaje acorde al espacio/interlocutor.
Trabajo colaborativo
Comparte información, y/o estrategias e ideas con otras personas.
Se hace cargo de las tareas que le corresponden cuando trabaja en equipo.
Busca integrar los diferentes aportes, orientándose a la consecución de un objetivo grupal.
Apertura y pensamiento crítico
Se muestra abierto a escuchar posturas y formas de pensar diferentes a las propias.
Realiza preguntas sobre los temas que se están trabajando.
Cuando se enfrenta a una información o tema logra identificar los puntos claves.
Evalúa, cuestiona y analiza críticamente la información.
Desarrollo personal
Se adapta al contexto de clase, adoptando las normas y acuerdos establecidos.
Reflexiona sobre su proceso de aprendizaje, sus logros y dificultades, y demuestra ser consciente del mismo.
Se adapta a los cambios y situaciones diversas con actitud positiva.
Alfabetización digital
Sabe comunicarse en entornos digitales (por ej. mandar un mail).
Comparte recursos en línea (por ej. subir tarea al aula).
Selecciona información relevante y pertinente.
Crea y edita nuevos contenidos (textos, imágenes, videos…).
Selecciona las herramientas digitales apropiadas según la necesidad o finalidad.

Digital tools

The students will learn to manage information in digital environments, interact in virtual communities, create and edit content collaboratively, and much more.

How do we learn at ÁNIMA?

“We learn by working, we work while learning”

ÁNIMA’s proposal invites students to learn in the classroom and in the training companies that we work with,  in an articulated way and accompanied by teachers, tutors and company leaders. 

We are a full time proposition. Students attend classes at ÁNIMA every day, where we offer technical, transversal subjects, human and labor training workshops. In addition, in the last two years, training practices are carried out in the training companies, three times a week. 


¡Get to know the pillars of our educational proposal!

Personalized accompaniment for comprehensive training

At ÁNIMA we generate close ties with each student and we have a comprehensive educational proposal that seeks to accompany them in their development journey taking into account their human, personal, social and family dimensions.


Significant learning towards an updated graduation profile

We work so that students can develop the technical and transversal skills of our graduation profile, which we have built together with the business sector.


Development of transversal skills

Soft or transversal skills are very important for social and labor insertion. At ÁNIMA we work and evaluate competences, both in the classroom and within the training companies.

Innovative educational tools

We use various educational techniques, including working on projects and using technical tools for students to learn digital skills, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Quality apprenticeships

ÁNIMA proposes the duality between classroom and company learning spaces, which are articulated through a training plan that we define together with the company. The apprenticeships last between 9 and 18 months and are carried out during the school year, under paid employment contracts.

Continuous improvement and analysis of information

We are always looking to improve based on our experiences, learnings and achievements that we have year after year. We systematize what we do and its results in order to make better decisions.

Get to know the ÁNIMA’s student profile
and join our program

Students can apply if they...
  • Are between 14 and 16 years old.
  • Have passed or are studying the 3rd Basic Cycle in Secondary, UTU or FPB of Administration or Computer Science. It is important that at the time of registration, students do not have pending subjects from the 2nd year of the Basic education..
  • Be part of low income families.

And most importantly, they need to be interested in learning about Technology or Administration, motivated by the idea of ​​learning by working and working while learning and want to commit to our program…

We open registrations in August.

How to apply?

ÁNIMA has limited seats, so we have defined steps for registration.


The pre-registration form which will be active at the beginning of August but also we receive inquiries by WhatsApp 091808132 (it will be enabled in August).


Luego de realizada tu pre inscripción te pediremos que nos envíes vía WhatsApp la siguiente documentación:

  • INSE form (socioeconomic level)
  • Identity card
  • Last report card
  • Income receipts from referent family members


We invite students to participate in the face-to-face and virtual activities that we carry out to get to know each other.


This is a crucial part in the road to be part of ÁNIMA. Students attend along with an adult referent, in the interview we go deep on the details about our proposal, the commitment we have with the students, and the commitment we expect from them


After the interview, our team will assess whether the student’s profile meets the ANIMA requirements to participate in the final draw. We conduct a draw to select students, and we call the students in December to confirm their registration.