We work at the service of the human and professional training of young people who live in a situation of social vulnerability.

Since 2016 we have implemented dual training in formal education,with high completion rates of secondary education, educational continuity, and employment”.

Dual training, an educational modality

to learn by doing and doing while learning

We integrate  and articulate two learning spaces, the classroom and the company promoting professional and personal development of young people, generating new and better opportunities for social integration.

An educational modality that benefits all parties

Increase motivation to study, taking ownership of their learning journey.

Incorporate technical and transversal skills that allow them to fully develop in society.

Connect early with the formal world of work.

Generate new contact networks, expanding their social capital.

Increase the probability of accessing quality employment.

Participate in the training of young people, potential human resources in the sector.

Access new talent referred by educational centers.

Improve its knowledge induction and transmission processes.

Promote development of leadership skills in the company’s employees.

Build loyalty among employees through a high-impact CSR activity.

Integrate a pool of training companies and their knowledge exchange network.

Long-term investment to improve productivity and competitiveness.

Youth unemployment decreases.

Reduction in the educational dropout rate.

Creation of greater opportunities for social integration for young people who live in vulnerable settings.

A business network involved in development and sustainable social growth is formed.

An educational modality that benefits all parties

Increase motivation to study, taking ownership of their learning journey.

Incorporate technical and transversal skills that allow them to fully develop in society.

Connect early with the formal world of work.

Generate new contact networks, expanding their social capital.

Increase the probability of accessing quality employment.

Participate in the training of young people, potential human resources in the sector.

Access new talent referred by educational centers.

Improve its knowledge induction and transmission processes.

Promote development of leadership skills in the company’s employees.

Build loyalty among employees through a high-impact CSR activity.

Integrate a pool of training companies and their knowledge exchange network.

Long-term investment to improve productivity and competitiveness.

Youth unemployment decreases.

Reduction in the educational dropout rate.

Creation of greater opportunities for social integration for young people who live in vulnerable settings.

A business network involved in development and sustainable social growth is formed.




We generate real impact

Año a año trabajamos con nuevas generaciones de 50 estudiantes. Sumate a nuestra propuesta para que más jóvenes puedan acceder a mejores oportunidades

Our program increases %

the probability of graduating from high school by 120%.

The %

of the students who graduate continue with post-secondary education

More than %

of the students who graduate enter the labor market